I like the idea of a Service Oriented Architecture; all of your applications reorganised as re-usable and generically consumable services ushering in a new capability to mash-up services across your organisation, aligned to business processes rather than application architectures. I just don't think it will happen.
If you build an architecture from the ground up, then possibly you can get a SOA going. Alternatively, if you have a fairly simple business, or one that relies on very few applications, you may get it going. For how long, I don't know. For the rest of the IT shops, I just don't believe it is something achievable. The systems have evolved, so that you end up with a mish-mash of mainframes, Oracle databases with heavy stored procedure reliance, homebrew applications built in some dead language, VB apps on top of SQL, Solaris scripts etc. Now, you could convert all of those to some form of standard (unlikely), or you could wrap them all in a pretty web service. Great, now what? The one guy who knows the dead language won't recode his app to use the new services. Nor will the vendor selling you the next technomasterpiece have made it flexible enough to consume your new webservices. Possible, someone may come up with a new homebrew app which uses your new SOA, but that's one out of many, and it likely won't consume all the services, so just wrapping necessary services in the first place is a better idea.
The concept is great though, and a strong IT architecture team who keep focussed and pushing for it over several years may be able to make some headway. This is very different from the 'implement SOA now' type consulting engagements (internal and external) promised. Additionally, as the pool of devs collectively forgets how to code in the old dead language, and starting building in web services by default, just because that's what they learned at school, some additional possibilities will be realised. However, this leaves me with the strong suspicion that SOA is a concept, not a goal.
I remember the promise of re-usable objects, and a great big store where we could all instantiate our standardised objects from. I remember Microsoft presenting on how this XML stuff would provide new ways of exchanging business data between companies. In a way, these things, happened, but they were incremental innovations that crept into the way we do things, rather than a rearchitecting. Even then, most of your legacy apps still don't do that sort of fancy stuff.
Alternatively, the above could be rephrased as; I'm tired of hearing about SOA, can we get a new architecture buzzword? (Not Virtualisation though)