This is a cross-post from my other blogging home at SensePost.
Last week we presented an invited talk at the ISSA conference on the topic of online privacy (embedded below, click through to SlideShare for the original PDF.)
The talk is an introductory overview of Privacy from a Security perspective and was prompted by discussions between security & privacy people along the line of "Isn't Privacy just directed Security? Privacy is to private info what PCI is to card info?" It was further prompted by discussion with Joe the Plumber along the lines of "Privacy is dead!"
The talk, is unfortunately best delivered as a talk, and not as standalone slides, so here's some commentary:
Continue reading "Information Security South Africa (ISSA) 2010"
Continue reading "Scroogle is Dead, Long Live GoogleSharing"
Continue reading "Avoid Cross-Site Tracking with (and others)"
Ritasha Jethva, our Privacy & Data Protection competency lead added some nice tips to a publicity piece that made it otherwise more useful than it would have been. I'm republishing them here along with some other stuff I've found of late.
Continue reading "Privacy Enhancing Techniques"